Results, not methodology, should be the basis of curriculum decisions. Results matter. - John Saxon - Co-Author of the Saxon Math Series
Saxon Math Saxon Math has long been the favourite homeschool math program for grades 4 and up. Brenda used it with great success with her own 3 children and homeschool families have told us over and over again how much they love Saxon Math. Saxon's continual and incremental practice provides the child with the opportunity to learn and remember the foundational skills and concepts of mathematics.
Saxon Math for Grades K to 3 Each kit from Grade 1 to 3 includes a scripted teacher's manual, two student workbooks (WB) and a meeting book. Manipulatives are an essential element of the K to 3 program. Each teacher's manual contains a lesson-by-lesson list of all necessary materials. Saxon's elementary classroom program has been adapted specifically for homeschoolers. Check each grade level book on this website for placement tests, samplers and scope and sequence.
Saxon Math Books for Grades 4 to 12 Saxon Math is incremental, each concept is introduced and then reviewed all the way through the text. They are skill-level books, not grade-level books. It is essential that each student is placed in the text that meets the skill level of the individual. Check each grade level book on this website for placement tests, samplers and scope and sequence.