Do you and your child love the Little House on the Prairie books by Laura Ingalls Wilder? The Prairie Primer helps you enjoy a yearly Unit Study based on Laura, Mary, Baby Carrie, and Ma & Pa's adventures!
Teaching biblical character qualities are emphasized in this Little House on the Prairie companion. Using the Little House Series as its' base, this program is complete when you add a math, grammar and spelling program.
The Primer is designed to be completed in one year, however Margie suggests you work at the pace that is best suited to your needs. There are nine units in the Primer, one for each of the nine Little House books. Each four week unit begins with background information then gives some activities you need to plan ahead (for example - read a book or prepare a science experiment). Each week has a helpful list of what to gather ahead of time for the week as well as suggested field trips. Daily lessons include from the following: reading, reading comprehension, science, vocabulary, Bible, art, manners, social studies, music, speech, writing, cooking and character. Suggested preparation time is 2 hours or less a week, with 1-4 hours per day spent on the study.
For grades 3-6 but can be adapted to older or younger grade.