Essentials in Writing Level 5 Online Subscription Combo (Subscription+ Workbook) 2nd Edition
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Essentials in Writing Level 5 Online Subscription Combo (Subscription + Workbook)

Includes everything you need:

  • Printed Student Text/Workbook
  • Printed Teacher Handbook
  • 12 month access to ONLINE lesson-by-lesson video instruction (DVDs will not be included - your subscription will arrive by email after your order is invoiced)
  • plus Digital Access to the Student Text/Workbook & Teacher Handbook

EIW Level 5 is a homeschool writing curriculum that features a slow, systematic approach for students aged 10-11 who want to learn how to write well. The step-by-step approach allows students to focus on small, daily assignments, so they don’t feel overwhelmed.

- Review Sentence Types and Sentence Structure (Compound Sentences) and Address Sentence Errors (Fragment and Run On)
- Capitalization Rules: Beginning of Sentences, Names, City/State, Countries and Holidays
- Punctuation Rules: Period, Question mark, Exclamation Point, and Comma Usage
- Grammar: Subject/Predicate (Complete, Simple and Compound) Nouns, Proper Nouns, Action Verbs, Adjectives, Pronouns, Linking Verbs, Possessive Nouns, Subject/Verb Agreement, Adverbs, Prepositional Phrases
- Spelling Rules for Plural Nouns
- Alphabetization
- Parts of a Personal Letter and Writing a Personal Letter
- Parts of a Paragraph and Writing a Paragraph
- Other Forms of Written Communication: Lists, Thank You Notes, Invitations and Diary Entries
- How to Choose an Appropriate Writing Form
- The Writing Process: Prewrite, Draft, Revise, Edit and Publish
- Use the Writing Process to Compose Narrative, Descriptive; and Expository Writing in Formal Paragraphs and Informal Writing
- Effective Writing Skills: Strong Details, Transitions, Beginning/Middle/End Concept, Logical Sequence of Events, Variety of Sentence Structure, and Use of Basic Figurative Language
- Revision: Word Choice (Use of a Thesaurus), Using Strong Details, A Variety of Sentence Structure in Writing, and Figurative Language when Appropriate
- Poetry: Text Features, End Rhyme, Free Verse and Composition

Essentials in Writing Level 5 Sample

Essentials in Writing Level 5 Online Subscription Combo (Subscription + Workbook)

Includes everything you need:

  • Printed Student Text/Workbook
  • Printed Teacher Handbook
  • 12 month access to ONLINE lesson-by-lesson video instruction (DVDs will not be included - your subscription will arrive by email after your order is invoiced)
  • plus Digital Access to the Student Text/Workbook & Teacher Handbook

EIW Level 5 is a homeschool writing curriculum that features a slow, systematic approach for students aged 10-11 who want to learn how to write well. The step-by-step approach allows students to focus on small, daily assignments, so they don’t feel overwhelmed.

- Review Sentence Types and Sentence Structure (Compound Sentences) and Address Sentence Errors (Fragment and Run On)
- Capitalization Rules: Beginning of Sentences, Names, City/State, Countries and Holidays
- Punctuation Rules: Period, Question mark, Exclamation Point, and Comma Usage
- Grammar: Subject/Predicate (Complete, Simple and Compound) Nouns, Proper Nouns, Action Verbs, Adjectives, Pronouns, Linking Verbs, Possessive Nouns, Subject/Verb Agreement, Adverbs, Prepositional Phrases
- Spelling Rules for Plural Nouns
- Alphabetization
- Parts of a Personal Letter and Writing a Personal Letter
- Parts of a Paragraph and Writing a Paragraph
- Other Forms of Written Communication: Lists, Thank You Notes, Invitations and Diary Entries
- How to Choose an Appropriate Writing Form
- The Writing Process: Prewrite, Draft, Revise, Edit and Publish
- Use the Writing Process to Compose Narrative, Descriptive; and Expository Writing in Formal Paragraphs and Informal Writing
- Effective Writing Skills: Strong Details, Transitions, Beginning/Middle/End Concept, Logical Sequence of Events, Variety of Sentence Structure, and Use of Basic Figurative Language
- Revision: Word Choice (Use of a Thesaurus), Using Strong Details, A Variety of Sentence Structure in Writing, and Figurative Language when Appropriate
- Poetry: Text Features, End Rhyme, Free Verse and Composition

Essentials in Writing Level 5 Sample