Charlotte Mason Elementary Arithmetic Series: Book 3
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You and your child are sure to enjoy these simple, lively lessons that will provide further practice in the processes of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Your student will master multiplication tables for the numbers 7 through 10; delve further into division with long division and an introduction to fractions; and read, write, and work with numbers up to 10,000. She will also have an introduction to weights and measures with an active hands-on approach— including measures of volume, weight, distance, and time.

Placement Guide

  • Author
    R. R. Baburina
  • Brand / Publisher
    Charlotte Mason Research Co
  • Consumable
    Partially consumable
  • Grade Level
    Grade 3
  • Number of Pages
    265 Pages
You and your child are sure to enjoy these simple, lively lessons that will provide further practice in the processes of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Your student will master multiplication tables for the numbers 7 through 10; delve further into division with long division and an introduction to fractions; and read, write, and work with numbers up to 10,000. She will also have an introduction to weights and measures with an active hands-on approach— including measures of volume, weight, distance, and time.

Placement Guide

  • Author
    R. R. Baburina
  • Brand / Publisher
    Charlotte Mason Research Co
  • Consumable
    Partially consumable
  • Grade Level
    Grade 3
  • Number of Pages
    265 Pages