Apologia Exploring Creation with Zoology 1 Lab Kit 2nd Edtion
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Exploring Creation with Zoology 1 2nd Edition
A lab kit carefully designed to accompany the Apologia Zoology Exploring Creation with Zoology 1: Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day Science curriculum.

About the curriculum:

Apologia’s classic Exploring Creation with Zoology 1: Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day, is now in its 2nd Edition! Using the Charlotte Mason homeschooling philosophy, your young student will learn all about the world’s flying creatures. Through the study of ornithology, chiropterology, and entomology, they will discover the design and characteristics of birds, bats, and bugs: their physical attributes, flight patterns, diets, nesting and environment requirements, and more. The Textbook contains 14 chapters that include full-color photography and diagrams, vocabulary terms in bold blue type, narration prompts, and multiple hands-on activities with plenty of opportunities to explore outside. To complete this course, you will need the Apologia Exploring Creation with Zoology 1 Text book and it's recommmended to have the Zoology 1: Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day Notebooking Journal 2nd Edition. 326 pages, hardcover. Grades K – 6.

About this lab kit:

Each kit is carefully designed to assist parents in teaching science. Each text-book lesson will have a corresponding lesson bag. You will also receive detailed instructions and paperwork for what is included in your science kit, and the items that you will provide. The Apologia science curriculum is an incredibly detailed, thorough, and activity-based curriculum. We hope these lab kits help you make SCIENCE COME ALIVE for your children!

Addition useful information: There are several activities involving live insects. For your chosen activies, you will need to find a source and secure the larvae and habitats for these activities:

  • Raise Painted Lady Butterflies, activity 3.4, page 67.
  • Raise Ladybugs from Larvae to Adult, activity 6.4, page 120
  • Raise Mantids, activity 7.2, page 134
  • All of the supplies for the Make an Ant Farm activity, page 88, are included in this kit. However, you will need to gather your own ants or purchase ants to load into the habitat.
  • Find Out Which Environment a Cricket Prefers, activity 7.10, page 149. You will need to supply all items, including the crickets, for this activity. Purchase crickets from your local pet supply store or bait shop.

The following activities are not included in your supplies kit. Should you choose to complete these wonderful activities, you will need to provide all of the necessary supplies.
  • Make Honey Taffy, activity 5.3, page103
  • Make Wearable Dragonfly Wings, activity 7.5, page 138
  • Find Out Which Environment a Cricket Prefers, activity 7.10, page 149.
  • Make a Bird Feeder: Seed Feeder, activity 9.6A, page 180
  • Make a Bird Feeder: Suet Feeder, activity 9.6B, page 180. (Included in your kit is a suet cake and mesh-bag to hang the suet from a tree. Please enjoy the experience of making your own homemade suet according to the book instruction, at your convenience.)
  • Build a Nesting Material Station, activity 12.2, page 242. Make a Cup Nest, activity 12.4, page 248. These delightful activities require seasonal materials from nature which are best supplied from a nature hike or from your own back yard. (A mesh-bag has been included in the kit as a substitution for the wire whisk, should you prefer this economical substitution.)
  • Build a Birdhouse, activity 12.7, page 254.
  • Flying Fox Stuffed Animal, activity 14.6B, page 298

Reading the Lesson Bag labels

Supplies are organized into bags according to the text’s lesson numbers. Supplies for lesson one are contained in bag one, etc. Because many items are used for more than one activity, each label not only identifies the items in the bag, but also directs you to the location of additional items that you will need. By replacing each reusable item to its original lesson bag, the labels will direct you through the kit with ease. The labels also reveal the items that you need to provide.

You will find that many activities require not only time and organization, but also require items that you will need to provide. Once you have everything ready to go, your study through this text should be a rewarding, informative, and enjoyable way of learning many new things about our Creator and the Flying Creatures He has made.

Quick Reference

Within these introduction pages you’ll find a quick reference list for the exact supplies in each lesson bag. This list has omitted the directives for finding additional supplies and lists only what is actually contained in the bag.

This Quick Reference list is followed by a 'You Provide' list of supplies that you will need to provide. These lists are organized by lesson number.

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Exploring Creation with Zoology 1 2nd Edition
A lab kit carefully designed to accompany the Apologia Zoology Exploring Creation with Zoology 1: Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day Science curriculum.

About the curriculum:

Apologia’s classic Exploring Creation with Zoology 1: Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day, is now in its 2nd Edition! Using the Charlotte Mason homeschooling philosophy, your young student will learn all about the world’s flying creatures. Through the study of ornithology, chiropterology, and entomology, they will discover the design and characteristics of birds, bats, and bugs: their physical attributes, flight patterns, diets, nesting and environment requirements, and more. The Textbook contains 14 chapters that include full-color photography and diagrams, vocabulary terms in bold blue type, narration prompts, and multiple hands-on activities with plenty of opportunities to explore outside. To complete this course, you will need the Apologia Exploring Creation with Zoology 1 Text book and it's recommmended to have the Zoology 1: Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day Notebooking Journal 2nd Edition. 326 pages, hardcover. Grades K – 6.

About this lab kit:

Each kit is carefully designed to assist parents in teaching science. Each text-book lesson will have a corresponding lesson bag. You will also receive detailed instructions and paperwork for what is included in your science kit, and the items that you will provide. The Apologia science curriculum is an incredibly detailed, thorough, and activity-based curriculum. We hope these lab kits help you make SCIENCE COME ALIVE for your children!

Addition useful information: There are several activities involving live insects. For your chosen activies, you will need to find a source and secure the larvae and habitats for these activities:

  • Raise Painted Lady Butterflies, activity 3.4, page 67.
  • Raise Ladybugs from Larvae to Adult, activity 6.4, page 120
  • Raise Mantids, activity 7.2, page 134
  • All of the supplies for the Make an Ant Farm activity, page 88, are included in this kit. However, you will need to gather your own ants or purchase ants to load into the habitat.
  • Find Out Which Environment a Cricket Prefers, activity 7.10, page 149. You will need to supply all items, including the crickets, for this activity. Purchase crickets from your local pet supply store or bait shop.

The following activities are not included in your supplies kit. Should you choose to complete these wonderful activities, you will need to provide all of the necessary supplies.
  • Make Honey Taffy, activity 5.3, page103
  • Make Wearable Dragonfly Wings, activity 7.5, page 138
  • Find Out Which Environment a Cricket Prefers, activity 7.10, page 149.
  • Make a Bird Feeder: Seed Feeder, activity 9.6A, page 180
  • Make a Bird Feeder: Suet Feeder, activity 9.6B, page 180. (Included in your kit is a suet cake and mesh-bag to hang the suet from a tree. Please enjoy the experience of making your own homemade suet according to the book instruction, at your convenience.)
  • Build a Nesting Material Station, activity 12.2, page 242. Make a Cup Nest, activity 12.4, page 248. These delightful activities require seasonal materials from nature which are best supplied from a nature hike or from your own back yard. (A mesh-bag has been included in the kit as a substitution for the wire whisk, should you prefer this economical substitution.)
  • Build a Birdhouse, activity 12.7, page 254.
  • Flying Fox Stuffed Animal, activity 14.6B, page 298

Reading the Lesson Bag labels

Supplies are organized into bags according to the text’s lesson numbers. Supplies for lesson one are contained in bag one, etc. Because many items are used for more than one activity, each label not only identifies the items in the bag, but also directs you to the location of additional items that you will need. By replacing each reusable item to its original lesson bag, the labels will direct you through the kit with ease. The labels also reveal the items that you need to provide.

You will find that many activities require not only time and organization, but also require items that you will need to provide. Once you have everything ready to go, your study through this text should be a rewarding, informative, and enjoyable way of learning many new things about our Creator and the Flying Creatures He has made.

Quick Reference

Within these introduction pages you’ll find a quick reference list for the exact supplies in each lesson bag. This list has omitted the directives for finding additional supplies and lists only what is actually contained in the bag.

This Quick Reference list is followed by a 'You Provide' list of supplies that you will need to provide. These lists are organized by lesson number.