Jacob's Choice
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Jacob Hochstetler lives peacefully with his Amish family at the foot of the Blue Mountains of Pennsylvania. His beliefs are severely tested one night in September 1757, after a raid on the Amish settlement near Northkill Creek leaves his wife, daughter, and a son dead, and their home in ashes. Jacob and two teenage sons are captured and taken to different Lenapi Indian villages, unsure of their fate. After a long, hard winter in the Lenape village, Jacob makes a harrowing escape downriver and returns home to Northkill, only to find all that he has known and loved are gone. Will Jacob and his sons ever be reunited? Can Jacob find romance, reconciliation, and happiness amidst the ashes of his former home?
  • Author
    Stutzman, Ervin R.
  • Age Level
    Young Adult
  • Format
  • Number of Pages
    303 Pages
  • Timeline
Jacob Hochstetler lives peacefully with his Amish family at the foot of the Blue Mountains of Pennsylvania. His beliefs are severely tested one night in September 1757, after a raid on the Amish settlement near Northkill Creek leaves his wife, daughter, and a son dead, and their home in ashes. Jacob and two teenage sons are captured and taken to different Lenapi Indian villages, unsure of their fate. After a long, hard winter in the Lenape village, Jacob makes a harrowing escape downriver and returns home to Northkill, only to find all that he has known and loved are gone. Will Jacob and his sons ever be reunited? Can Jacob find romance, reconciliation, and happiness amidst the ashes of his former home?
  • Author
    Stutzman, Ervin R.
  • Age Level
    Young Adult
  • Format
  • Number of Pages
    303 Pages
  • Timeline