Aesop's Fables
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Unabridged in Easy-to-Read Type

Scores of entertaining and instructive tales--delightfully illustrated--including: "The Fox and the Grapes," "The Ants and the Grasshopper," "The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse," "The Crow and the Pitcher," "The Fox and the Stork," "The Hare and the Tortoise," "The Maid and the Pail of Milk," "The Boy Who Cried Wolf," and many more.

35 illustrations

  • Author
  • Age Level
    Ages 8 +
  • Format
  • Location
  • Number of Pages
    83 Pages
  • Timeline
    Ancient Greece
Unabridged in Easy-to-Read Type

Scores of entertaining and instructive tales--delightfully illustrated--including: "The Fox and the Grapes," "The Ants and the Grasshopper," "The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse," "The Crow and the Pitcher," "The Fox and the Stork," "The Hare and the Tortoise," "The Maid and the Pail of Milk," "The Boy Who Cried Wolf," and many more.

35 illustrations

  • Author
  • Age Level
    Ages 8 +
  • Format
  • Location
  • Number of Pages
    83 Pages
  • Timeline
    Ancient Greece